Hello there readers, I'm aware that my blog title says "Plotting Maps With Nel" but allow me to share my off-travel experience which I really think it's necessary for all of us. Last Monday, as I was updating my post on Kota Kinabalu, I had a very bad shortness of breath. It's a serious thing, I kid you not. I couldn't breathe well. I started to struggle for air and my hands and legs were cold. It was insane! I was starting to think that it was the end of my life somehow. I mean, how can I stay alive when I can't even breathe? I called my colleague to take me to the nearest clinic. I was really panic and I'm sure I was looking even paler than zombies. Thank you Kak Erni for taking me to Klinik Mediviron, Menara UOA for my urgent treatment. The doctor gave me a paper bag and let me breathe in it. The reason is that whenever you get hyperventilate, you tend to breathe in shorter breath causing your lungs to pump in more oxygen than you need. This breat...