A Blessing in Disguise
HEY. It's been a while I didn't blog. Um where do I start now? Perhaps a quick wrap up of my life, right? In 2017, I graduated in BSc Maritime Technology from UPNM. Landed a job in Singapore even before my graduation. Left my job soon after. Dad was terribly ill and I was depressed. I decided to go to Raja Ampat with a friend and worked for a couple of weeks there. Saw a Manta Ray, celebrated New Year 2018, went too far with my The Alchemist, had an awful bloody show and got myself admitted to Waisai Hospital. Went home and got busy prepping with my engagement and wedding. 2018 was just about organising stuff. Hopped to Alunan Resort Perhentian Island for a couple of weeks as well, for work. It was pretty much a dream. I had good times and sunshine every day. Loved it but had to leave the job as well coz my dad was not okay. And so I went home, got myself in trouble with some sort of backpain and got it fixed right before my wedding. 121018 I GOT MARRIED. And I left home for Kota Kinabalu. Wow.
Fast forward 3 months later, I got pregnant. And it's a BOY. He's 1 year old and 6 months now. His name is Kai Yusuf and I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART. 260919 he came and we instantly became parents. In between those pretty months, I got threatened miscarriage and was asked to bedrest for two weeks. Damn depressing. 2020, we got to travel a lot around Sabah and then, Coronavirus-2019 came. It crashed our dreams but not as bad as those who are struggling pay check to pay check. And realising that the pandemic was hitting THAT bad, I started my donation drive #KITAJAGAKITA. So proud to be earning over RM20k and distributed them to those in need.
121220 I lost my dad. And suddenly, it's already today 050421. Time flies. You really should be making the most out of today. Whoever you are, know that you're worth it and you deserve all the happiness in the world. Thank you for reading. :)
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